Traveling light means very careful outfit prep…every trip I promise myself I will get better at this process, and then somehow the night before every trip I’m running around buying last minute shoes, tops, bags…you know, the essentials, and hoping they all fit in my carry-on bag that may or may not fit in the overhead compartment. I digress..but that Is the goal. Traveling light. Outfit prep…I’m getting there I assure you. This trip to Spain and Paris was all about neutral basics with purposeful pops of color…these photos are from one of the Paris days. We found these fabulous white doors (more on Paris Doors another day) and instantly they became the photo op backdrop. Pairing the white eyelet top and skinny cargo pants was easy but it needed some color so I added some orange and white leather bracelets, an orange belt, and these great periwinkle tie-up sandals from Guess…voila!

Of course it’s the cargos that I want to source!
I love the navy and orange color combo.