I have an early holiday gift for you from Chirpyest. For a limited window, we are giving everyone who uses Chirpyest double cash back from over 800 retailers. Yup.
Chirpyest is a shopping tool that helps get you cash back on your purchases from hundreds of retailers. Chirpyest also gives you money for sharing product recommendations too. Our mission is to get women the recognition and money they deserve.
For those of you who hadn’t heard, I started another company named Chirpyest. Without any experience, for two years, I worked with software developers to build the Chirpyest platform. Just this summer we launched the site’s prototype and it works!!! (still a work in progress for sure…) For those of you who joined early this year, and found a glitchy website and browser extension, we were testing then and it wasn’t pretty. Now things have changed…we did it…Chirpyest now works and we are getting cash back for users everyday. So try again please!!!
Many of you still might be confused on what Chirpyest is and how to use it. Well, DIY blogger Orly Shani made this easy “how Chirpyest works” video…watch the video. Then you’ll understand why double cash back is a big holiday gift for you! (BTW, My mom, cousin and friend Nicole all said Orly does a better job of explaining Chirpyest than I do…they may be right!).
Orly’s “what is Chirpyest? video” is next (it is in her video on how to transform a jean jacket into a fab new trend)….