cb2 – Cachao Grellow Chair – on sale $99.95; regular $149 (Steel frame and seat with a green-yellow powdercoat matte finish. Lightweight. Tubular steel arm barrels continuous front legs. Wide steel seat sits deep)(above)
Green + Yellow = Grellow. Huh? That’s new to me. Never heard of grellow until running into this little yellow/green colored chair. I’ve heard of greige. Wonder what other colors you could combine to make a funny word? Bleen (blue + green)? Brack (brown + black)? Whink (white + pink)?
Anyhooooo…enough of the word play…hee hee…
So, I love this grellow chair. The green yellow color works for me. The clean lines and simplicity do too! Oh did I mention that price is quite nice as well.
This can be used as a host chair for a dining room table or a cute accent chair in a living room, bedroom or office. Vute (very + cute)!
Very cool.. modern and chic!
so vute! funny i used a photo with this chair in it today for my post.
have a good day!