Photos courtesy of the AIA-Los Angeles

2300 square foot modern home with twin staircases designed by Michael Lee Architects is one of the homes on the AIA-Los Angeles Fall Home Tour. (above)
Tomorrow I head to Manhattan Beach for another great AIA-Los Angeles architecture tour – the AIA’s Michael Din was kind enough to invite me along.
Will be seeing four ultra modern homes in this beach side community (two of the homes are pictured here)…all styled by architects in Los Angeles.
Can’t wait!

“The Treehouse” is in Manhattan Beach’s “tree section” is made of sustainable materials that are often left exposed. Designed by Grant Kirkpactrick of KAA Designs, Inc.
For those of you, who want to come…right now there seems to be a wait list…but go onto the AIA site and put your name in…you never know!
I wish I had the time to come down to Southern California (I’m up north in Silicon Valley) to attend. There is also a great home tour in Irvine going on right now that I’d love to go to! I’ll just have to live vicariously through the blogs!
I want those chairs in the living room space!!