Reflecting on the Year That Was
Saying goodbye to 2010 and hello to 2011. Well, another year coming to a close…and what an interesting year it has been. 2010 started off in a very dramatic way, then there were some highs and then there were some lows…but all in all it was pretty good year – thanks to my sweet family, my dear friends, and all of you lovely COCOCOZY readers!
I am excited for 2011. So many new opportunities and new risks I’ll be taking in this year to come. I’ll be sharing them all with you and invite you come along with me on my potentially life changing ride – hopefully you’ll get a bit inspired too.
A Resolution of Courage: Being Brave in 2011
The only New Year’s resolution I have for 2011 is to be brave. I want to be as brave as I possibly can 2011. Brave in everything I do – in all aspects of life.
Balancing Bravery and Humor
Brave about business. And Brave about opening up and sharing even more. Brave in trying things I have never done before. And Brave with new relationships and love. Brave about pushing myself physically and mentally – challenging myself as much as possible. No fears. Pushing hang-ups aside. In 2011, I will be brave!
Looking Forward with Love
I wish you a wonderful New Year. I wish you much love, good health, and prosperity and even though you may not have asked for it, I wish a bit of brave for you too!
Thank you dear readers for sticking with me in 2010. Can’t wait to continue our ongoing conversation about all things design, decor and a bit of fashion too in 2011! Hello 2011! I’m ready for you!
Happy Friday! Happy New Year!
Much love.
P.S. Also, don’t worry…this brave thing doesn’t mean I’ve lost my sense of humor. You’ll still read about my all my comical moments (which I think are the true fabric of life). I hope in this year I’ll continue to make you laugh quite a bit too. Brave and funny? Hmmmmm…let’s see how that works…LOL!
Photo: Fabio Bartelt
Happy Nye!
Dear Coco, I love your thoughts for the New Year…. Bravery, that is an essential character trait and I will do the same!
Happy New Years!
Art by Karena
Happy New Year, Coco – wishing you a year FILLED with bravery!! Thanks for all of the gorgeous inspiration!!
Dear Coco,
Happy new year, Wishing you all the best for 2011.
I’m working as an interior designer in Iran , and always follow your news and activities and I love the way you expressing your ideas! 🙂
i look forward to learning about all your new opportunities. thank you for such a wonderful blog! happy new year from the blue house!!
Happy New Year!! here’s to a brave 2011!! God knows I have to be too for what’s in store…
Adore your lovely blog! Wishing you a fabulous 2011!
I think we definitely share that one resolution in common- I’m hoping I can be much braver in the year to come- Wishing you all that’s fabulous in 2011!
Well, you have made a good start with your New Year’s Resolution…you are brave just saying you want to be more brave. Bravo to you. I will try and follow suit, you have definitely got me thinking about aspects of my own life where I could step outside my comfort zone. Thanks, and happy new year!
Hi, Coco!
I just dropped by to wish you a beautiful and blessed 2011!
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
Brave is as Brave does….anyway, good for you! I am still searching for my “blog voice” ….ie what do I reveal, what don’t I? … You have definitely found yours and as a result a great following! Keep up your honest work! You are inspiring others, trust me!
I like your bravery comment .. and I read your Pip-the-horse-scary-moment – and I was slightly amused with your picture-books-no-words post (feel a bit the same these days) – and I just wanted to say that I haven’t visited as much recently due to being busy – but will make 2011 the year to get cozy. I wish you well and look forward to hearing all about your brave moments (-:
Being brave is a wonderful resolution! Think I’ll attempt that one too 🙂 Happy new year and hope you are able to achieve all that you set out to achieve xx
Coco, I LOVE your New Years Resolution and am going to “steal with pride”…I couldn’t have said it any better! Love your blog. Jules.
Ha! So funny…I’d been reading blogs about people picking one word to focus on in the new year and last night, I woke up and thought “BRAVE”. I will be brave in the face of job uncertainty, figuring out what to do next,and doing it. I will be brave in my personal life and put myself out there. I will be brave and try new things, eat new foods, learn new stuff.
Best wishes to you in 2011! And here’s to bravery!
I’m right there with you, Coco! Inspire me as you always do! HNY!
House of Wentworth
★ Happy New Year ! ★
May all your dreams come true
Hey Coco – Was this one for me?!! Thanks for putting this out there to inspire so many. I hope you have a very enriched and fulfilled New Year. Cheers to becoming all we can be!
Happy New Year!!
Garden Interiors
first time here, so many lovely ideas… I’ll follow you 🙂
Happy New Brave Year!!!
happy new year!! i love your resolution. 🙂 it’s very similar to my mantra of the year… “be fearless.”