Have I mentioned before that I absolutely love Lonny Magazine (the web shelter magazine created by Michelle Adams and Patrick Cline)? Have been running around over the last week…falling out of Emmy dresses and the like (see previous post)…so I didn’t get a chance to do a full study of the new 2nd anniversary Lonny issue until now. Love it!
Lots of light bright sun drenched rooms and spaces. Chic, well styled, smart and light. Here are a few of my favorite spaces from the latest Lonny Magazine!
Sun streams through a french door into this bedroom with a black chalkboard headboard – genius! (above) |
Which of these is your favorite? I’m loving the bench on the veranda and the chalkboard headboard bedroom.
What is the lightest brightest sun filled room in your home?
Happy Thursday!
P.S. A SUPER DUPER big thank you to mega pop star Katy Perry for mentioning COCOCOZY as her favorite design blog in this month’s InStyle magazine article that just came out yesterday!!!! I can’t believe it! I’m totally freaked out that Katy Perry reads COCOCOZY and all of my random musings on things. I wonder if I need to start being more serious and less scatter brained. Oh dear…nervous. Calm. Calm. Breathe.
P.P.S. When friend Melissa Maffei from children’s store tottini in Seattle tweeted something yesterday about Katy Perry, In Style and COCOCOZY, I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about. I thought what a nice combo of names to put in a tweet but I don’t know why they are all in a tweet together…so I literally tweeted back something like “Help me understand what is going on here”. Then Melissa @tottini tweeted the following: “New InStyle mag came out yesterday, Katy Perry said you were a fav blog to watch! Awesome mention, congrats!”. I then almost fell out of my chair…hung up on the work person I was talking to…grabbed my purse (a huge oversized Gucci tote that weighs about 50lbs because it is over loaded with who knows what of miscellaneous items that I must bring with me to work each day that are not at all needed but I feel I must bring to work…so just to clarify…when I grabbed my purse, I almost fell over again because it is so heavy) and ran out of the office to buy the InStyle. When I arrived at the newsstand I started taking random photos of the magazine to email to my sister and friends! My dear friend Aline photoshopped the Katy Perry COCOCOZY mention into a beautiful little montage and posted it on Facebook. Oh what a beautiful day!
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My friend Aline photo shopped the Katy Perry quote and InStyle magazine cover! (above) |
P.P.P.S. Uh oh…just got freaked out again…that Katy Perry is reading the blog. She is a total trendsetter (Katy has 10 million followers on Katy Perry Twitter if you can believe and 35 million followers on her Facebook page…I am now one of them). Hmmm…maybe I need to be more interesting…more fantastic…more fabulous…more “editorial” (whatever that means)…more musical (don’t think any of you would want me to be musical so strike this one). I think she seems really cool…but now I’m nervous. Oy va voy. I know. I can’t help it. Maybe the article was written months ago and she’s moved onto another fave blog…and then I can just continue to blabber like I am just talking to myself and few thousand of my closest friends like I do every day. LOL!
P.P.P.P.S. I think I need to start another blog called P.S. because my P.S.s have gotten so out of control lately. For the first time ever, I’ve added a photo into the P.S. section. Problem is…after I write each post, I have a million other things to say that are not relevant to the post at hand…so I’ve been liberally and clearly misusing P.S. This picture addition is a clear overstepping…but I couldn’t help myself!!!
P.P.P.P.P.S. Also, thank you to Emily Ruddo of Armonia Decors for featuring a COCOCOZY Stripe throw in the brand new Toujours magazine. Toujour is a new online magazine focused on art and design. Thank you Emily!
P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Back to the Katy Perry thing…if you are reading Katy…thank you again! xo
Photos: Lonny Magazine
PSSSSS. I love the PS.-es! And, that home is quite gorgeous. I’ve been dying to turn a wall into chalkboard with that special paint, but as a renter, I’m too chicken…
Dont change, your blog is amazing, and well done! it”s not an easy task blogging every day, you deserve the credit. You don’t need to be More anything…
Love that-that is awesome about Katy Perry- she must have good taste!
Loving the chalkboard wall… what a fun/quirky/interesting conversation piece in a house!!!
Really like the entry hall. I have noticed you really love symmetry and so do I! It is a perfect example of how that should work and so airy, too!
Any idea on the paint colors in the sunny rooms? Always looking for a good white….
Oh my gosh! I’m friends with Aline, too! I saw her post on FB yesterday and thought, oh…Aline’s a fellow Cococozy reader. Had no idea she knew you personally. Small world. And now I feel cool because there’s only one degree of separation.
Congrats on the very cool shout-out!
hahaha sometimes I just visit to read your PS’s.. dont get me wrong I love your blog but I am guilty of skipping the real post sometimes.. I would be a PS blog devoted follower
Your blog is fabulous – P.S.’s and all! What fun to see that Katy Perry is a fan. I love how you found out. I featured your blog at stylesson today.
Wonderful sunny images to start my rainy Friday morning. Adore the first room – so warm and inviting. And a Katy Perry mention…good for you – very exciting!!
How exciting to read that Katy Perry is a fan! I wonder who else is checking out your blog! Have a great weekend!
Beautiful spaces! Love your blog!
Jamie Herzlinger
I am not surprised. It’s a great blog with a great name & a light-hearted approach. Also,it’s full of great design inspiration and YUMMY eye candy. Katy, if you are reading this…MY blog is off limits to you because my daughter is a huge fan, and she would simply D-I-E of the humiliation. Stick with COCOCOZY. It rocks. And it frequently makes me smile.
LOVE your blog-it is fantastic so it is no surprise that the fabulous Katy Perry would love it too
Katy’s mention of CoCoCozy.com in “In Style” is what got me to check this blog out too! Congrats on the mention! I’ll bet TONS of people have come here since then! (Webmaster tip w/love: better make sure you have updated your ads and affiliate links! here’s your BIG BREAK $$!)
I love the idea of a chalkboard wall in a bedroom. I’ve recently transformed my dining room into a chalkboard dining room. (I’ve asked all my friend to put one quote or piece of advice that they couldn’t live without on the walls so that while dining, I’m surrounded by wisdom and great words) See it here!