I know we’re quickly approaching the end of summer but I found this fabulous beach house in Inlet Beach, FL from Crowell + Co Interiors and now I just want to pretend we’re at the start of the summer season a bit longer. This beach house has so many of my favorite details, it’s modern casual and inviting…the bright white kitchen with Persian rug is so on trend right now, the living room is clean and perfectly beachy, and the mix of textures throughout the house really blends each room beautifully with the next…I don’t know who lives here but if they rent this house, I actually may need to convince my mom that we rent this house for the start of summer and end the summer in Paris…

PS. Does the end of summer mean rosé is no longer socially acceptable the way that Labor Day used to mean no more white pants?? I really hope not…
PPS. If you’re not following along on the house hunting adventures on snapchat @cococozyblog you need to!
Just amazing…..
Since we bought a coastal home a year ago my style has changed drastically. I’m still all over the place but pictures like these help me hone my look. I loved the small ottoman in navy for a cocktail table and those bar stools? I die. 😀
Thanks for the inspiration.