I love mixing styles to make a house unique. Southern California designer Becki Owens did it in this San Clemente project. She combined two popular decorating styles to create a beach meets country home.
Fresh and light in color palette with lots of classic touches. I like this beach house with a twist.
Love the bead board ceilings…that’s the country in the house. Very girly. Do you think a guy would happily live here in this beach meets country home?
P.S. COCOCOZY was down for 4 days! My developer and SEO company mixed something up and the site was not functioning. Imagine my surprise yesterday to log in after a weekend of running around for Mother’s Day only to find that site was not working. ARGGGGHHHHH!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKES! Anyhoo, the site is back up today (clearly) but I need to get it working like it was. Thinking about a plan for the future.
P.P.S. Speaking of Mother’s Day. I hosted a lovely Mother’s Day on Sunday for my Mom and 12 other family and friends. Sis DS hired someone to help me get everything together and she brought an amazing cake. I will do a post on my brunch a little later. I made some delicious corn muffins with a maple butter and two different frittatas and chicken with a lime cilantro marinade. I barely took pictures of the food so I will have to remake these recipes and post them for you. All were delicious. My mom was very happy and so were all of the other guests. It was a lovely lovely Mother’s Day in my garden.
P.P.P.S. I have a new found love of pink peonies. I am not a pink type of girl…but I went to the flower mart and bought loads of peonies for the party. Check out COCOCOZY Instagram to see the oodles and oodles peonies I bought.
Photos: Becki Owens;