If you haven’t been following along on the blog, here’s the abbreviated scoop on our Malibu home renovation. My guy TE and I are in the throws of a massive home renovation project in Malibu. It is our dream home. One acre of land overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Here’s the backstory. I spotted this 1970’s built fixer upper house while searching on the internet over a year and half ago and sent the listing to TE…a few months later after an exhaustive search on the westside of Los Angeles, TE and I finally trekked out to Malibu and went in person to see it…and almost immediately after we saw it in person, TE made an offer. After much back and forth, TE closed the deal and we got the house in July of last year. Since then, the two of us have been side by side nearly every weekend for a year working to get this home in shape. We gutted the entire house, redesigned it, and now are putting the finishing touches in. So focused on the design details in the construction process, we have thought little about furniture! We may just move in with a few beds, a beautiful dining table TE bought in Paris! Minimalist decor!! First things first…we have a house to finish by the end of the month!
Today’s post is a mish mosh of all of the changes going on our home renovation project as we close in on the last 3 or 4 weeks before move in! I cannot believe we are almost here.
Still so much has to happen. Cabinets have to go in, lighting, tile, wood floors, stucco, decks, railings, baseboards, window and door locks, interior doors all need to go in. Our contractor says it will all happen. We are keeping fingers crossed.
Anyhoo…here are some midway progress updates.
HOUSE EXTERIOR – ATTIC VENT – I think the little touches make all of the difference in styling a home. One of the things that TE and I thought could change was a vent on the side of the house that overlooks the garden. We picked a COCOCOZY pattern for the vent! Was so excited that TE wanted to include one of my designs on the side of the house.

Attic vent before remodel (below)

Attic Vent After – Custom COCOCOZY pattern grille! (below)

DEN – The den or library was once the home’s kitchen and then when we first saw the house it was the home office. It had a weird wall in the center of it and really low ceilings. We opened up the ceilings, tore down the non-load bearing wall, centered the opening, put in a large arched window and recently painted. Still a work in progress…but it is much better.
Den After Paint (below)

Den Before Remodel (below)


It is Friday before 4th of July. I am headed out to Malibu to check on updates and then off the COCOCOZY office to work with fab assistant NG on lots of orders – my COCOCOZY collection of pillows, throws and fabric is keeping me busy too!
While I work, TE is with his son who just got into town last night. Mom and sis DS are in Paris (hard life…right?). Tomorrow, dear friends SN and BN have invited me, TE and company over to their beach house to celebrate the 4th. Will be fun!
Happy long weekend to you. Hope you have enjoyed this update!
All photos in this post by Coco of COCOCOZY
How do you keep that grass so green n this drought?! Cant wait to see the finished project as it certainly is a dream home!
Wow, the attic vent looks awesome now! This place is going to rock!
I’ve relished following your remodel. I love the colors of the den–warm and embracing. The details are making the house an expression of you. Can’t wait to see what happens next week. The views and land area incredibly beautiful. Thank youfor sharing this adventure. Happy 4th! xoxo Mary
Thank you Mary…will continue to share about the remodel! The house is going to be a work in progress even after we move in…so get ready…this story will be an ongoing feature! Thank you for following along. Hope all is good!
Old is Gold indeed..Nice house and interiors love it..
Wow…that view. I can’t wait to visit [ha ha]!!
Love the deference towards COCOCOZY in the detail of a custom attic vent; so genius!
Coco, it’s gorgeous. Can’t believe you are in the home stretch. You two make a great design team. Proud of you! 🙂